asserta(X) :把子句X当作此子句的谓词的第一个子句加入到动态数据库中,不可回溯。
assert(X)或assertz(X) :把子句X当作此子句的谓词的最后一个子句加入到动态数据库中,不可回溯。
retract(X) :把子句X从动态数据库中删除,不可回溯。
%swipl -s room.pl %Hansen :-dynamic here/1. :-dynamic location/2. :-dynamic bag/1. %房间定义 room(kitchen). room(office). room(hall). room(diningroom). room(cellar). %门定义 door(office, hall). door(kitchen, office). door(hall, diningroom). door(kitchen, cellar). door(diningroom, kitchen). %规则:有门的两个房间是相通的 connect(X,Y) :- door(X,Y). connect(X,Y) :- door(Y,X). %物品在哪个房间 location(desk, office). location(apple, kitchen). location(flashlight, desk). location(washingmachine, cellar). location(nani, washingmachine). location(broccoli, kitchen). location(crackers, kitchen). location(computer, office). %背包 bag(tourch). %哪些物品可以吃 edible(apple). edible(crackers). edible(broccoli). %当前位置 here(hall). %移动 move(Place):- can_go(Place),retract(here(X)), asserta(here(Place)). can_go(Place):- here(X), connect(X, Place). can_go(Place):- write('You can''t go to '),write(Place),write(' from here.'), nl, fail. %获取物品 take(X):- can_take(X), retract(location(X,_)), asserta(bag(X)), write(X), write(' taken.'), nl. can_take(Thing):- here(Place), location(Thing, Place). can_take(Thing):- write('There is no '), write(Thing), write(' here.'), nl, fail. %放下物品 put(X):- can_put(X), here(Place), retract(bag(X)), asserta(location(X,Place)), write(X), write(' put.'), nl. can_put(Thing):- bag(Thing). can_put(Thing):- write('There is no '), write(Thing), write(' in your bag.'), nl, fail. %房间物品列表 list_things(Place):- location(X, Place),tab(2),write(X),nl,fail. list_things(_). %相连的 list_connections(Place):- connect(Place, X),tab(2),write(X),nl,fail. list_connections(_). %持有物品列表 list_bag(Thing):- bag(X),tab(2),write(X),nl,fail. list_bag(_). %吃东西 eat(Thing):- can_eat(Thing), retract(bag(X)), write(Thing), write(' eaten. Yummy!'). can_eat(Thing):- bag(Thing), edible(Thing). can_eat(Thing):- not(bag(Thing)), write('There is no '), write(Thing), write(' in your bag.'), nl, fail. can_eat(Thing):- bag(Thing), write('You can''t eat the '), write(Thing), write('.'), nl, fail. %查看房间情况 look :- here(Place), write('You are in the '), write(Place), nl, write('You can see:'),nl,list_things(Place), write('You can go to:'), nl, list_connections(Place), write('You have:'),nl,list_bag(Thing). %帮助 game :- write('Look around: look/0'),nl, write('Move around: move/1'),nl, write('Take something: take/1'),nl, write('Eat something: eat/1').
1 ?- game. Look around: look/0 Move around: move/1 Take something: take/1 Eat something: eat/1 true. 2 ?- look. You are in the hall You can see: You can go to: diningroom office You have: tourch true. 3 ?- move(diningroom). true . 4 ?- look. You are in the diningroom You can see: You can go to: kitchen hall You have: tourch true. 5 ?- move(kitchen). true . 6 ?- look. You are in the kitchen You can see: apple broccoli crackers You can go to: office cellar diningroom You have: tourch true. 7 ?- take(apple). apple taken. true . 8 ?- look. You are in the kitchen You can see: broccoli crackers You can go to: office cellar diningroom You have: apple tourch true. 9 ?- eat(apple). apple eaten. Yummy! true .