变量与任何项目: 变量可以与任何项目绑定,其中也包括变量
原始项目与原始项目: 两个原始项目(原子或整数)只有当它们相同时才能联合。
结构与结构: 如果两个结构的每个相应的参数能联合,那么这两个结构可以联合。
1 ?- (1,2,3)=(X,Y,Z). X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3. 2 ?- (1,2,3)=(X,X,Z). false. 3 ?- (1,1,3)=(X,X,Z). X = 1, Z = 3. 4 ?- (1,X,3)=(X,1,Z). X = 1, Z = 3. 5 ?- (1,X,3)=(X,2,Z). false.
1 ?- (1,2,X)=(1,2,(3,4,5)). X = (3, 4, 5). 2 ?- (1,2,X)=(1,2,(3,4,Y)),Y=5. X = (3, 4, 5), Y = 5. %_表示不关心匹配内容 3 ?- (1,2,X,Y,7)=(1,2,(3,4,5),6,_). X = (3, 4, 5), Y = 6. 4 ?- X = Y, Y = hi, write(X). hi X = Y, Y = hi.
%swipl -s objs.pl %Hansen %room room(kitchen). %objects and location %object(Name, Color, Size, Weight). location(object(candle, red, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(apple, red, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(apple, green, small, 1), kitchen). location(object(table, blue, big, 50), kitchen). %current room here(kitchen). %can take something? can_take(Thing) :- here(Room), location(object(Thing, _, small, _), Room). can_take(Thing) :- here(Room), location(object(Thing, _, big, _), Room), write('The '), write(Thing), write(' is too big to carry.'), nl, fail. can_take(Thing) :- here(Room), not(location(object(Thing, _, _, _), Room)), write('There is no '), write(Thing), write(' here.'), nl, fail. %out put the weight write_weight(1) :- write('1 pound'). write_weight(W) :- W > 1, write(W), write(' pounds'). %list all things in a room list_things(Place) :- location(object(Thing, Color, Size, Weight), Place), write('A '),write(Size),tab(1), write(Color),tab(1), write(Thing), write(', weighing '), write_weight(Weight), nl, fail.