1. Download one source tag from Apache
For example, I used this tag:
2. Read this:
3. Prepare JDK and Ant
SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Languages\Java\JDK\jdk_x86_1.6.0_34 SET ANT_HOME=C:\Languages\Java\JavaTools\apache-ant-1.9.0 SET PATH=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH% CMD
4. Copy build.properties.default to build.properties
5. Edit build.properties and set base.path
base.path=the path to store thirdpart libs
6. Run “Ant download”
7. Run “Ant”
8. Rename files
move eclipse.classpath .classpath move eclipse.project .project
9. Use eclipse to import this project
10. Set break point and debug