Option Explicit Excel2ANY "PATH_TO_INFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.IN.xlsx","PATH_TO_OUTFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.OUT.pdf","PDF" Excel2ANY "PATH_TO_INFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.IN.xlsx","PATH_TO_OUTFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.OUT.xps","XPS" Excel2ANY "PATH_TO_INFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.IN.xlsx","PATH_TO_OUTFILE\NEOHOPE.COM.OUT.csv","CSV" Private Sub Excel2ANY(inFile, outFile, outFormat) Dim objFSO, objExcel, objWorkbook, objSheet, xlFormat, isSaveAs Const xlAddIn =18 Const xlAddIn8 =18 Const xlCSV =6 Const xlCSVMac =22 Const xlCSVMSDOS =24 Const xlCSVWindows =23 Const xlCurrentPlatformText =-4158 Const xlDBF2 =7 Const xlDBF3 =8 Const xlDBF4 =11 Const xlDIF =9 Const xlExcel12 =50 Const xlExcel2 =16 Const xlExcel2FarEast =27 Const xlExcel3 =29 Const xlExcel4 =33 Const xlExcel4Workbook =35 Const xlExcel5 =39 Const xlExcel7 =39 Const xlExcel8 =56 Const xlExcel9795 =43 Const xlHtml =44 Const xlIntlAddIn =26 Const xlIntlMacro =25 Const xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet =60 Const xlOpenXMLAddIn =55 Const xlOpenXMLStrictWorkbook =61 Const xlOpenXMLTemplate =54 Const xlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled =53 Const xlOpenXMLWorkbook =51 Const xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled =52 Const xlSYLK =2 Const xlTemplate =17 Const xlTemplate8 =17 Const xlTextMac =19 Const xlTextMSDOS =21 Const xlTextPrinter =36 Const xlTextWindows =20 Const xlUnicodeText =42 Const xlWebArchive =45 Const xlWJ2WD1 =14 Const xlWJ3 =40 Const xlWJ3FJ3 =41 Const xlWK1 =5 Const xlWK1ALL =31 Const xlWK1FMT =30 Const xlWK3 =15 Const xlWK3FM3 =32 Const xlWK4 =38 Const xlWKS =4 Const xlWorkbookDefault =51 Const xlWorkbookNormal =-4143 Const xlWorks2FarEast =28 Const xlWQ1 =34 Const xlXMLSpreadsheet =46 Const XlFixedFormatType_xlTypePDF =0 Const XlFixedFormatType_xlTypeXPS =1 ' Create a File System object Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ' Create a Excell object Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") With objExcel ' True: make Excell visible; False: invisible .Visible = True ' Check if the Excell document exists If not( objFSO.FileExists( inFile ) ) Then WScript.Echo "FILE OPEN ERROR: The file does not exist" & vbCrLf ' Close Excell .Quit Exit Sub End If ' Open the Excell document .Workbooks.Open inFile ' Make the opened file the active document Set objWorkbook = .ActiveWorkbook Set objSheet = .ActiveSheet isSaveAs = True If StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"PDF") = 0 then isSaveAs = False ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"XPS") = 0 then isSaveAs = False ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"CSV") = 0 then xlFormat= xlCSV ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"HTML") = 0 then xlFormat= xlHtml ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"XML") = 0 then xlFormat= xlXMLSpreadsheet ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"TXT") = 0 then xlFormat= xlTextWindows Else WScript.Echo "FILE FORTMART ERROR: Unknown file format" & vbCrLf ' Close Excell .Quit Exit Sub End If ' Save in PDF/XPS format If isSaveAs then objSheet.SaveAs outFile, xlFormat ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"PDF") = 0 then objSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat XlFixedFormatType_xlTypePDF, outFile ElseIf StrComp(Ucase( outFormat ),"XPS") = 0 then objSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat XlFixedFormatType_xlTypeXPS, outFile End If ' Close the active document objWorkbook.Close ' Close Excell .Quit End With End Sub