- CORBA基本架构
- IDL文件编写
- POA示例实现
- POA+TIE示例实现
- ImplBase示例实现
- ImplBase+TIE示例实现
- Persistent示例实现
要写一个静态绑定的CORBA程序,首先要完成的就是定义接口。CORBA采用的接口描述方式为IDL(Interface Description Language),IDL的语法规则类似于CPP,所以Java的类型需要做类型映射。常见类型映射关系如下:
IDL Type | Java Type |
module | package |
boolean | boolean |
char, wchar | char |
octet | byte |
string, wstring | java.lang.String |
short, unsigned short | short |
long, unsigned long | int |
long long, unsigned long long | long |
float | float |
double | double |
fixed | java.math.BigDecimal |
enum, struct, union | class |
sequence, array | array |
interface (non-abstract) | signature interface and an operations interface, helper class, holder class |
interface (abstract) | signature interface, helper class, holder class |
constant (not within an interface) | public interface |
constant (within an interface) | fields in the Java signature interface for non-abstract, or the sole Java interface for abstract |
exception | class |
Any | org.omg.CORBA.Any |
type declarations nested within interfaces | “scoped” package |
typedef | helper classes |
pseudo objects | pseudo interface |
readonly attribute | accessor method |
readwrite attribute | accessor and modifer methods |
operation | method |
module HiCorba { interface Hi { string sayHiTo(in string someone); long add(in long numa, in long numb); oneway void shutdown(); }; };