尝试了ZMail和Advanced Media Recovery,测试证明,根本不好用~~
2、每一封邮件都是一段MIME格式的文本,每封邮件以如下格式开始,直到下一个”From – “结束
From - Thu Dec 19 01:26:18 2013 X-Account-Key: account4 X-UIDL: ZC0418-TJAs6xVgg1PigBtJ_pc_a3c X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: X-QQ-SSF: 00410000000000F0 X-QQ-BUSINESS-ORIGIN: 2 X-Originating-IP: X-QQ-STYLE: X-QQ-mid: bizmail35t1387361723t6111701 From: "=?utf-8?B?5pyx6I6J6Imz?=" <xxx@xxx.com> To: "=?utf-8?B?6auY5pmX?=" <xxx@xxx.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0007_01CE78E0.0A87C340" ...
module Mbox #X-Mozilla-Status #Message has been read. MSG_FLAG_READ=0x0001 #A reply has been successfully sent. MSG_FLAG_REPLIED=0x0002 #The user has flagged this message. MSG_FLAG_MARKED=0x0004 #Already gone (when folder not compacted). Since actually removing a message from a folder is a semi-expensive operation, we tend to delay it; messages with this bit set will be removed the next time folder compaction is done. Once this bit is set, it never gets un-set. MSG_FLAG_EXPUNGED=0x0008 #Whether subject has “Re:” on the front. The folder summary uniquifies all of the strings in it, and to help this, any string which begins with “Re:” has that stripped first. This bit is then set, so that when presenting the message, we know to put it back (since the “Re:” is not itself stored in the file). MSG_FLAG_HAS_RE=0x0010 #Whether the children of this sub-thread are folded in the display. MSG_FLAG_ELIDED=0x0020 #DB has offline news or imap article. MSG_FLAG_OFFLINE=0x0080 #If set, this thread is watched. MSG_FLAG_WATCHED=0x0100 #If set, then this message's sender has been authenticated when sending this msg. This means the POP3 server gave a positive answer to the XSENDER command. Since this command is no standard and only known by few servers, this flag is unmeaning in most cases. MSG_FLAG_SENDER_AUTHED=0x0200 #If set, then this message's body contains not the whole message, and a link is available in the message to download the rest of it from the POP server. This can be only a few lines of the message (in case of size restriction for the download of messages) or nothing at all (in case of “Fetch headers only”) MSG_FLAG_PARTIAL=0x0400 #If set, this message is queued for delivery. This only ever gets set on messages in the queue folder, but is used to protect against the case of other messages having made their way in there somehow – if some other program put a message in the queue, it won't be delivered later! MSG_FLAG_QUEUED=0x0800 #This message has been forwarded. MSG_FLAG_FORWARDED=0x1000 #These are used to remember the message priority in interal status flags. MSG_FLAG_PRIORITIES=0xE000 #X-Mozilla-Status2 #This message is new since the last time the folder was closed. MSG_FLAG2_NEW=0x00010000 #If set, this thread is ignored. MSG_FLAG2_IGNORED=0x00040000 #If set, this message is marked as deleted on the server. This only applies to messages on IMAP servers. MSG_FLAG2_IMAP_DELETED=0x00200000 #This message required to send a MDN (Message Disposition Notification) to the sender of the message. For information about MDN see Wikipedia:Return receipt. MSG_FLAG2_MDN_REPORT_NEEDED=0x00400000 #An MDN report message has been sent for this message. No more MDN report should be sent to the sender. MSG_FLAG2_MDN_REPORT_SENT=0x00800000 #If set, this message is a template. MSG_FLAG2_TEMPLATE=0x01000000 #These are used to store the message label. #label value #1 0x02000000 #2 0x04000000 #3 0x06000000 #4 0x08000000 #5 0x0A000000 #6 0x0C000000 #7 0x0E000000 MSG_FLAG2_LABELS=0x0E000000 #If set, this message has files attached to it. MSG_FLAG2_ATTACHMENT=0x10000000 end
#!/usr/bin/ruby class EnumFiles def enumFiles(folderPath) #枚举文件 files = Dir.glob(folderPath+"*") return files end def enumFilesAll(folderPath) #枚举文件 files = Dir.glob(folderPath+"**/*") return files end end
#!/usr/bin/ruby class ReadMbox def readLine(filePath) if File.exist?(filePath) f = File.open(filePath,"r+") lines=f.readlines return lines else puts(filePath + " does not exist") end end def readMsgNum(filePath,rootPath) msgNum=0 msgErr=0 bError=false if File.exist?(filePath) f = File.open(filePath,"r+") f.each{|l| if(l[0..6]=="From - ") msgNum=msgNum+1 bError=false end if(l[0..17]=="X-Mozilla-Status: ") && (!bError) flag = l[18..21].to_i(16) if(flag & 0x0008 > 0) puts("]>"+l) msgErr=msgErr+1 bError=true end end if(l[0..18]=="X-Mozilla-Status2: ") && (!bError) flag2 = l[19..26].to_i(16) if(flag2 & 0x00040000 > 0) puts("]>"+l) msgErr=msgErr+1 bError=true end end } end puts(filePath.gsub(rootPath,"")+" EmailNum=\t"+msgNum.to_s()+"\terrNum=\t"+msgErr.to_s()) end end
#!/usr/bin/ruby require "./EnumFiles.rb" require "./ReadMbox.rb" rootPath="PAHT/TO/MAIL/ files = EnumFiles.new().enumFilesAll(rootPath) #puts files mbox = ReadMbox.new() files.each do |f| if(!File.directory?(f)) && (!(File.extname(f).length>0)) mbox.readMsgNum(f,rootPath) end end
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000